
Archcorp Presents LEED Certificate Gold to Mai Dubai

01 Oct 2019

As lead consultant for the project Archcorp was instrumental in achieving LEED Gold Certification for Mai Dubai Head Office project. Archcorp presents Lead Gold Certificate to CEO Alexander Van’t Riet with PSDI in attendance. The project achieved Gold Certification under the rigorous LEED v4 Building Design and Construction: New Construction and Major Renovations rating system. Notable for its blend of simplicity and elegance, the design adhered closely to Dubai Municipality's stringent green building regulations. It also aimed for an impressive 35% greater efficiency than the ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004. Mrs. Farhana Afzal, Archcorp's Managing Partner, proudly represented the firm in accepting the prestigious Gold Certificate, underscoring Archcorp's commitment to sustainable and innovative architectural practices.